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Rod Willmott, Innovation Director, LV= Insurance

Enterprise delivery and advanced technology often make uncomfortable bedfellows, with the ‘art of the possible’ being far removed from day-to-day business realities.  Not so at LV=, where FastTrack innovation approaches are accelerating the adoption and practical application of AI.  Rod’s presentation will show the route LV= has taken to investigate the potential for AI, gain valuable experience at low cost, make the ‘automated future’ concept easier for the business to accept and secure early commercial gains.


Based on LV=’s experience Rod will share his view that:

  • Robotics and AI can offer advantage at many levels and in multiple areas of insurance
  • Making a start and learning along the way beats sitting around waiting for ‘one magic solution’
  • That it pays to keep up with capability and tools that are evolving fast
  • That AI in insurance is ‘business fact’ not ‘science fiction’

In a 25 year career Rod Willmott has held IT disruption roles in the UK government’s Home Office, new start-ups and now the insurance industry.  He’s currently helping LV= to grasp the benefits of new technology quickly and to match its culture to a fast-paced business environment in which disruptive forces are challenging traditional working practices.